Saturday, August 31, 2019

Human Resources in the Aviation Industry

Human Resources in the Aviation Industry Submitted to: Mrs. Jasmina Popov-Locke Submitted by: Maha A. Jammoul CONTENTS Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦3 Recruitment and Selection Process†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4-12 Effect of recruitment, selection, and interviewing processes on Southwest Airlines†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 13-17 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 18 Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 19 INTRODUCTION Human resources is a very important and essential element of any business. In the aviation industry, it plays a vital role due the contribution it makes to the over-all employee-firm relationship.Human resources concern the human side of managing enterprises and employees’ relations with their firms. It makes sure that the employees of the company are being used in such a manner that the employer obtains greatest possible benefit from the employees’ abilities and the employees, on the other hand, obtain optimum material and psychological rewards from their respective work. This assignment will be covering each stage of the recruitment and selection processes in general terms with applicable examples given from the aviation industry to support its description.An explanation of how the recruitment, selection, and interviewing processes can affect the operation of an organization within the aviation industry will be provided as well. P2 – Describe the recruitment and selection process followed by aviation organizations in order to meet obligations. HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Human Resource Planning includes forecasting the n umber and kinds of employees that will be required in the future and to what extent the given demand is likely to be met. Basically, it wraps around the idea of number of workers, type of workers, skills needed, and cost-factor included in such process.The Human Resource Planning helps in the following areas when it comes to decision-making: 1. Recruitment 2. Avoidance of redundancies 3. Training – numbers and categories 4. Management development 5. Estimates of labour costs 6. Productivity bargaining 7. Accommodation requirements Few important points : ? Human Resource Planning needs continuous readjustments due to instability of an organization goal and uncertainty of the environment of the business. ? HRP is complex because of many independent variables involved in it such as invention, population changes, consumer demand, etc. A feedback must be included in case the objectives are to be modified due to the plan’s inability to be fulfilled. RECRUITMENT Recruitment i s basically the first part in the process of filling a vacancy. It includes examining the vacancy, considering sources of suitable candidates, and contacting candidates and attracting applications from them. ? If the vacancy is additional to the present workforce: 1. A new employee is needed 2. A compiled job specification is needed SOURCES: ? Headhunting This process is also known as â€Å"executive search† where it is believed that he best candidates are those who are successful in their current jobs and are not thinking of moving elsewhere instead of those who are replying to advertisements and are looking for jobs in any other ways. ? Advertising It is the most popular method o recruitment wherein the vacancy is advertised and candidates are invited to apply to the company. Few pointers on Advertising: ? The advertisement should have a job specification and a personnel specification contained in it. ? The advertisement must appear in the appropriate publication. Experimen ts regarding response to different sizes, headings, wording, page position, etc should be done. ? Careful records about the advertisement should be kept. ? The response should be analyzed. ? Courteous letter must be sent to rejected candidates. Processes involved in Recruitment: ? Application: Candidates fill up application forms or submit their curriculum vitae. ? Initial Screening: Screening out totally irrelevant applicant is done during the recruitment process especially when the organization has high number of applicants to be assessed in the selection process. SELECTIONIn the process of selection, the candidates for the specific job will be assessed and filtered out based on their level of compatibility with the organization or firm as a whole. Common Steps taken by Manager in the Selection Process: 1. Comparing of application forms and looking for candidates exhibiting suitability for the job. 2. Making a list of candidates to be interviewed and a list of rejected applicants (Short-listing). 3. Deciding what type of interview should be given and what test should be used. 4. Taking down notes on the applicants’ performance in the interview and tests. ? Interview MethodThis is the most common method used. The interview is conducted by the recruiter and types of interview vary from one organization to another e. g. individual, successive, panel. In this method, the applicant will be answering questions given by the interviewer wherein his/her communication skills and job knowledge will be put to test. ? Psychometric Testing Method In this method, applicants will be assessed based on their personalities and their ability to fit in the organization. ? Aptitude Testing Method Skills of the applicants are being assessed in this given method. ? In-tray Exercise MethodExercise or activities will be given to the candidates which will show their performance level on the job they will be handling. ? Presentation Method Skills and ideas of candidates will be evident in this type of selection method. Organizations using this type of method are more after a person’s creative ideas than his/her academic proficiency. ? Medical Tests Process Medical tests are done for the employer to ensure that the applicant is free from any contagious disease that may harm other people in the organization. This test is also done for jobs that have some medical standard that the applicants must meet such as pilots and the like. Background Checks Process Background and security checks are being performed to assess an applicant’s â€Å"sterility† and to avoid any kind of threat to an organization. It is a very crucial part of selection when it comes to certain types of industry such as the aviation industry where it is prone to threats and attacks. ? Written Examination Process Psychometric and aptitude testing methods fall under this process. This examination process helps in assessing the over-all job knowledge of the candidate and base d on this, the organization will be able to determine is/her compatibility and qualification. HIRING When the suitable candidate emerges from the selection process, a job offer must be received by him/her. The job offer might be: 1. Oral 2. Written The initial job offer must include : 1. The wage or salary offered 2. Name of the job and any special conditions 3. Condition of the employment, hours, holidays, bonuses, and fringe benefits 4. Provisos must be stated 5. Date and time to get in touch again in case the applicant asks time for consideration of the job offer.If the applicant accepts the initial offer, the conditions and everything that is stated in the letter will be made official and its accuracy is very important for it will be regarded as a permanent record. ? Induction This is the process of receiving the employees when they begin work. They’ll be introduced to the company and colleagues and informed of the activities, customs, and traditions of the company. ? Fol low- up In this process, the employee will be asked about how he/she feels about the job and his/her progress to the present time.Reviews and comments on the employees will be asked for from the immediate superiors. A proper and adequate training will be provided for some employees by the organization if needed and sometimes, switching of jobs or stations takes place depending on where the employer sees the employee performs and excels the most. SOUTHWEST AIRLINES RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING: ? Southwest Airlines go after the creative kind of people and those who have an attitude. ? The company culture plays an integral part in the business and that’s why flexible and unconventional ideas are welcomed by the rganization. ? This airline gives importance to its â€Å"fun-LUVing† culture. RECRUITMENT: ? Online resumes are being accepted by Southwest Airlines which includes uploading your resume, cutting and pasting, or using their Resume Wiza rd. ? Advertisements on jobs available can be seen on their website ? All job specifications, requirements, and benefits are found on their website ? Interested applicants can choose a specific job, register, and make an account as a job seeker on their website. Submission of resume online is followed if the applicant is really interested. SELECTION: A screening-meeting is held for all those who wish to join the Southwest Airlines group wherein requirement information and conditions on how to get the job will be received during this process. ? A background check and drug test will be undergone during the interview process which is one-on-one. Failure to pass the tests will automatically remove the applicant from consideration. ? A class or training depending on the selected job should be attended and passed during the last process of selection in the Southwest Airlines. ? Unconventional and creative applicants are a major consideration to the airlines. Applicants who don’t ha ve sense of humour and a care-free attitude are not being selected by the organization for those type of applicants contradict with the culture of the organization. HIRING: ? Job offer letters are being given to the suitable and accepted applicants which includes all the necessary information needed about the job and the terms and conditions. ? An induction takes place for newly hired applicants in the Southwest Airlines. ? People-skills courses at the University for People, Southwest’s training center in Dallas, are being gone through by employees once they are hired.M1 – Explain how recruitment and selection and interviewing processes can affect the operation of a specified aviation organization. Southwest Airlines Operations is all about the over-all performance and effectiveness of the employees comprising the organization. How activities and â€Å"things† work out in Southwest Airlines is mainly based on its workforce since first of all, it’s in an i ntangible type of industry, the aviation industry. Operations basically refer to activities wherein the services and products being provided by the airlines.It mainly deals with the manner or how the services and products are being offered or provided. EFFECT OF SOUTHWEST AIRLINES’ RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS ON ITS OPERATIONS STEP BY STEP PROCESS: PLANNING: ? Right type of candidates are being targeted to attract for recruitment ? Expenses are being minimized due to the initial planning and knowing what type of applicants to go after RECRUITMENT: ? Correct and right kind of advertisements are being distributed as a result of the effective planning done in the first place ? Right brand or organization image is being projected through the advertisements ?Right type of applicants are being attracted SELECTION: ? Methods used directly filter out irrelevant candidates and leave the most suitable ones behind ? Having the most suitable applicants are being based on the effect ive selection method used by Southwest Airlines depending on the standards and culture requirements being tackled in the first process which is planning. HIRING: ? Right hiring process brings about employee satisfaction ? Employee satisfaction results in effective employee performance ? Effective employee performance results in good businessEFFECT ON THE OVER-ALL OPERATIONS AT SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 1. High rank in customer service ? Southwest Airline’s principle of putting the employees first which is a part of their recruitment and selection process brings about the concept of them having high ranks when it comes to customer service. Since they take good care of their employees, they assume that this care will be passed on as well to the customers by the employees. The employees in this organization take a good care of their customers because the employer is taking care of them in the first place. . Ranked Number One in America's Happiest Airlines for Holiday Travel by Forbes f or the third consecutive year ? The recruitment, selection, and interview process at Southwest Airlines is a very evident cause of this ranking. This is an effect of having their unique recruitment standard which is to go after people who don’t take themselves too seriously and have the care-free spirit. The people that they have recruited carry on with them a sense of humour which makes the travel experience for their customers more fun and happy. During interview, the candidates are being asked about how they’ve used their sense of humour during difficult situations. On the other hand, those who walk in over-dressed are asked to change to Bermuda shorts wherein candidates who refuse to do so are automatically disqualified. In here we can see how evident happiness and fun is being observed throughout their recruitment, selection, and interview process. ?Hence, the success in their recruitment, selection and interview process brought about this effect through having th e right and most suitable applicants joining their operations 3.Profitable business for 42 years now ?The success of their business is a by-product of the HR department’s works. The whole process starting from planning up to hiring which is held responsible by the â€Å"People Department† is what made the company successful and profitable for a long period of time. They had the specific workforce they needed which was brought about through the recruitment and selection process. They obtained maximum benefit from their workforce’s skills and abilities and because of this, they are having a fruitful business. 4. Friendly employee-customer interaction The Southwest Airlines employees are being trained on their social skills and abilities. They are actually hired based on their inter-personal skills and friendly attitude. With that being said, they are able to maintain a healthy and friendly relationship with their customers. Being equipped with the social skills ne eded, they find it easy to be friendly and â€Å"real† when dealing with passengers. 5. Satisfied employees ? The CEO of Southwest Airlines, Gary Kelly, visits his employees randomly and from time to time to check on them and their performance.He asks them on how they are doing and feeling. Having that kind of communication which is face-to-face between the employer and his employees is what drives the employees to be more satisfied and motivated. What Gary Kelly is doing is a part of the employer care in the follow-up which falls under the last part of the recruitment and selection process better known as hiring. The wages, incentives, bonuses, pensions, â€Å"Southwest Citizenship†, career developments and all other offers is what is behind the satisfied employees of Southwest Airlines.Again, we can see what the effect of the whole recruitment and selection process was. It resulted in highly satisfied employees. 6. Good employee performance ?The performance of the em ployees in their respective jobs is the â€Å"core operation† in the airlines. Southwest Airlines is very fortunate to have a good or, in my opinion, a great workforce performance. Why is this so? We fall back to the same redundant reason—recruitment, selection, and interview process held by the HR department. Going back to the previous point, employees are satisfied and motivated.Obviously, contented employees end up performing well for their jobs. They do whatever is assigned and expected from them in an effective manner. For Southwest, it works well for them since their workforce is equipped with the talent, attitude, and creativity that meet their business needs. As a proof for this, a flight attendant onboard Southwest Airlines rapped the safety instructions to be followed by the passengers. This is a job well-done for the airlines because the employee made use of his creativity to please and satisfy the passengers. 7.Right and accurate brand image is being projec ted to the public ? Through the employees and the advertisements being send out, the culture of the company is being reflected to the public. The idea of what the company is all about and what is its â€Å"tradition† is being conveyed to the mass and this brings about a positive brand image and a positive word of mouth. Not only that, the operations in Southwest Airlines have everything to do with their culture that is being initially set during the planning stage of the recruitment and selection process and is being observed until its last part.So, the friendly and happy interaction between Southwest Airlines employees and passengers plants the positive, fun-loving, creative culture of the airlines in the passengers’ minds. 8. The accurate culture of Southwest Airlines which is fun-LUVing is being continually set ? While the recruitment, selection, and interview process of the Southwest airlines continues on observing its optimum vessel which is their culture, â€Å" their type of people† are being continuously drawn to them. Through this, the type of workforce present enables the company to have its culture set straight-out.As far as Southwest airline is concerned, until now, they are still successful in setting their culture and making the mass get their idea behind it. They can’t be successful with doing so without their employees complying and demonstrating that kind of culture which all turns back to the HR as their responsibility to recruit and hire those people who are capable of adapting to their fun-LUVing culture. CONCLUSION The Human Resource Department is responsible for the Recruitment and Selection Process of an organization.They make sure that the appropriate applicants are being drawn to them through their advertisements and culture set which is all done during the workforce planning process. The recruitment and selection process varies from one company to another but usually it involves four immediate steps – workforce planning, recruitment, selection, and hiring. During this process, the main goal of the firm is to get the best candidate possible for a designated job. Getting the â€Å"best† applicant depends on the standards and culture of an organization.In the aviation industry, it is very important for the human resource department of any organization to be able to get the workforce that meets their business needs since they offer an intangible service and experience. This service is what puts them either ahead or behind the competition in the industry. The recruitment, selection, and interview at any given organization and in any type of industry will shape how the operations in that certain company take place and how activities and jobs run – smoothly or roughly. BIBLIOGRAPHY Human Resources Management (Graham ; Bennett, 1998)Mrs. Jasmina Popov-Locke’s PowerPoint Presentation (Outcome 1) http://swamedia. com/channels/Corporate-Fact-Sheet/pages/corporate-fact- sheet#distinctions http://www. arichall. com/academic/papers/om5210-hrm. pdf http://www. wikihow. com/Become-a-Southwest-Airlines-Flight-Attendant http://www. indeed. com/forum/cmp/Southwest-Airlines/southwest-airline-hiring-process/t255708/p9 http://www. newteacher. com/obooks/Chapter_5/iaculture. html http://www. news. com. au/breaking-news/bored-flight-attendant-raps-safety-briefing/story-e6frfkp9-1111119158261 www. southwest. com

Friday, August 30, 2019

Memory: Bullying and Life Essay

My earliest memory of my childhood joy was when I was four years old. I was sitting on the kitchen counter next to my mom helping her fix dinner. I do not remember what we cooked but I do remember having fun with my mom, it was the first time she taught me how to prepare food. I remember my mom cutting an onion and the juice squirted into my eye; it hurt so bad I screamed and yelled. To this day I still do not like to use onions when I am cooking, for this reason I have someone else cut the onions for me. I have always loved cooking with my mom and still love how we joke around when we are in the kitchen. I loved that I could tell her anything that is going on with me in my life when we are alone in the kitchen cooking together. Looking back at these moments in the kitchen with my mom, I realized more than ever that I wanted to start learning how to cook when I was four years old. We shared our lives while we were in that kitchen, and she taught me how to use many different types of recipes that I could use with many types of food. I love how we shared things and would tell each other our juicy secrets that we would never share with anyone else. She would also give me advice on problems that I had going on in my life. In the future, I will use this method to develop a relationship when I have my own daughter. I know she will ask me how to cook and show her step by step how prepare delicious food, that’s when I will cleverly ask her about her life. I want her to be able to come and talk to me about any problems that she has and when she needs a solution, I will help her resolve it quickly. Hopefully we will develop the kind of friendship that I have with my mother now and I hope this can be a stronger friendship that can never be broken and thrown away over silly things. My earliest unpleasant memory of school was getting bullied. I started getting bullied when I was starting middle school. Every day when I would go to school, the bullies would be there waiting for me to come so they could bully me until I would cry out in front of the whole school, I was so embarrassed and horrified of what they did to me in those days. Sometimes I am scared to tell my parents because I don’t know how they will react to the situation. I would get bullied because I didn’t have the right clothes that everybody else had on and because I was fat and they would say that people would never hang out with me or become my friend. I hated that my friends would not help me fight the bullies. They would just stand there clueless and not standing up against the bullies because they did not want to become the next target or get picked on. The bullies also picked on me because I had a learning disability. This means that I cannot defend myself because I was slow and could not comprehend what they were doing to me at school. In middle school I was a quiet kid who never bothered anyone, I was kind and I kept to myself. I didn’t know I was different or â€Å"uncool† until I started middle school. Sometimes being bullied makes me feel like I am the only one getting bullied on and I hated that so much. I was verbally and physically bullied every day and I couldn’t take anymore, I was getting harassed so much that they soon had nothing left to bring me down. I even tried to tell a teacher but she would not listen to me or believe my story. I was so scared for my life and nobody would help me; they would just stand there and laugh at me. At one point, I was constantly getting ridiculed by the popular kids and they always called me all sorts of names in the â€Å"bully book†. Getting bullied as a child scarred me for life and sometime I have a hard time forgetting what they did to me and how they did it. Four years later, I think back to all of things the bullies did to me and how I could have prevented it from happening in the first place. To this day, it still makes me cry every time I think about it. I feel like I will never be able to shake off the damage that was done to me. Will I ever be a complete person again? Getting bullied has affected me in so many ways but bullies do not really realized nor do they care how much agony they are causing the kids that they are picking on. I really want to tell the kids that are getting bullied today to realized that they can talk to someone about this. When this was happening to me I felt so alone and it is horrible to have no one you can turn to for help. It is also horrible in having going to school every day knowing those kids are getting enjoyment out of their misery. I hope one day I can talk to kids that are being bullied by other kids at school and encourage them to talk to a counselor or the principal about what’s going on. I have learned that I cannot let people bring me down because that can follow me in life. I have to make sure that I stand up for myself and what I believed in because fighting is not going to solve anything and I need to be stronger against my enemies that tried to bring me down. I can always know that I will have God by my side no matter what because I am not in this alone. My most vivid memory of my adolescent defiance is that I was easily agitated, I had a very explosive temper that I could not control during my adolescents years. I was so resentful, spiteful to my parents, my friends and to others that I treated badly. I would always get in an argument with someone that was getting on my nerves or talking my ears off about nonsense that I didn’t care about. At some point, I was desperate to prove that I was â€Å"an adult† to my parents and friends because they were not acknowledging me as one. Sometimes I often feel like I did not receive the respect and autonomy that I deserve. I would get so mad that I slammed the doors and would yell obscenities at people or my family members that did not deserve to be yelled at in the first place. I would just leave the house so that I can clear my head and think about my behavior and how I was vindictive to my family members and my friends that cared about me and loved me so much. I hated that I was disrespectful to them and that I called them names and cursed at them for no reason at all. As a teenager, it was tough for me to get along with people that did not like me or did not want to hang out with me. In high school, it was hard for me not to curse at the other kids who were saying bad things about me while they did not even know me. I had no idea why would they do that and I guess never will. As I was growing up, I learned that you should never be disrespectful to your elders but I was in that stage where it was funny to do it because other people were doing it too. I could tell that I was changing because of my negative attitude and how I was talking to others that were trying to help me feel better. I did not feel better because I felt like I was still filled with anger, frustration, and depression that I could not control my emotions cause they were all over the place. I didn’t even know how to hide my feelings from people. As I have grown older, I have changed my ways because I prayed to God that I wanted to change and become a different person that people will love and adore. I did not want to be that girl that disrespects people for no apparent reason. I want be a nicer person that will help people with their problems or difficult situations. I want to be able to control my anger and my emotions because I don’t want to do something I will someday regre t doing.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Grief and Loss Essay

Losing someone or something we love is very painful. We may experience all kinds of difficult emotions and it may feel like the sadness will never let up. These are normal reactions to a significant loss. But while there is no right or wrong way to grieve —there are healthy ways to cope with the pain. Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering we feel when something or someone we love is taken away. We may associate grief with the death of a loved one – and this type of loss does often cause the most intense grief. But any loss can cause grief, including: * A relationship breakup * Loss of health * Losing a job * Loss of financial stability * A miscarriage * Death of a pet * Loss of a cherished dream * A loved one’s serious illness * Loss of a friendship * Loss of safety after a trauma The more signifcant the loss, the more intense the grief. However, even subtle losses can lead to grief. For example, we might experience grief after moving away from home, graduating from college, changing jobs, selling our family home, or retiring from a career we loved. Grieving is a personal and highly individual experience. How we grieve depends on many factors, including personality and coping style, life experience, faith, and the nature of the loss. The grieving process takes time. Healing happens gradually; it can’t be forced or hurried – and there is no â€Å"normal† timetable for grieving. Some people start to feel better in weeks or months. For others, the grieving process is measured in years. Whatever grief experience, it’s important to be patient and allow the process to naturally unfold. (Bowlby 1977) In 1969, psychiatrist Elisabeth Kà ¼bler-Ross introduced what became known as the â€Å"five stages of grief.† These stages of grief were based on her studies of the feelings of patients facing terminal illness, but many people have generalized them to other types of negative life changes and losses, such as the death of a loved one or a break-up. The five stages of grief: * Denial: â€Å"This can’t be happening to me.† * Anger: â€Å"Why is this happening? Who is to blame?† * Bargaining: â€Å"Make this not happen, and in return I will ____.† * Depression: â€Å"I’m too sad to do anything.† * Acceptance: â€Å"I’m at peace with what happened.† If we are experiencing any of these emotions following a loss, it may help to know that our reaction is natural and that we’ll heal in time. However, not everyone who is grieving goes through all of these stages – and that’s okay. In fact, some people resolve their grief without going through any of these stages. And if we do go through these stages of grief, we probably won’t experience them in a neat, sequential order.(Parkes 1972) Kà ¼bler-Ross herself never intended for these stages to be a rigid framework that applies to everyone who mourns. In her last book before her death in 2004, she said of the five stages of grief, â€Å"They were never meant to help tuck messy emotions into neat packages. They are responses to loss that many people have, but there is not a typical response to loss, as there is no typical loss. Our grieving is as individual as our lives.† Instead of a series of stages, we might also think of the grieving process as a rol ler coaster, full of ups and downs, highs and lows. Like many roller coasters, the ride tends to be rougher in the beginning, the lows may be deeper and longer. The difficult periods should become less intense and shorter as time goes by, but it takes time to work through a loss. Even years after a loss, especially at special events such as a family wedding or the birth of a child, we may still experience a strong sense of grief. While loss affects people in different ways, many people experience the following symptoms when they’re grieving. Important thing to remember that almost anything that we experience in the early stages of grief is normal – including feeling like we’re going crazy, feeling like we’re in a bad dream, or questioning our religious beliefs. * Shock and disbelief – Right after a loss, it can be hard to accept what happened. Feeling numb, have trouble believing that the loss really happened, or even deny the truth. If someone we love has died, we may keep expecting them to show up, even though we know they’re gone. * Sadness – Profound sadness is probably the most universall y experienced symptom of grief. We may have feelings of emptiness, despair, yearning, or deep loneliness. We may also cry a lot or feel emotionally unstable. * Guilt – We may regret or feel guilty about things you did or didn’t say or  do. We may also feel guilty about certain feelings (e.g. feeling relieved when the person died after a long, difficult illness). After a death, we may even feel guilty for not doing something to prevent the death, even if there was nothing more we could have done. * Anger – Even if the loss was nobody’s fault, we may feel angry and resentful. If we lost a loved one, we may be angry at our self, God, the doctors, or even the person who died for abandoning us. We may feel the need to blame someone for the injustice that was done. * Fear – A significant loss can trigger a host of worries and fears. We may feel anxious, helpless, or insecure. We may even have panic attacks. The death of a loved one can trigger fears about own mortality, of facing life without that person, or the responsibilities we now face alone. * Physical symptoms – We often think of grief as a str ictly emotional process, but grief often involves physical problems, including fatigue, nausea, lowered immunity, weight loss or weight gain, aches and pains, and insomnia. The single most important factor in healing from loss is having the support of other people. People aren’t quite often comfortable talking about their feelings under normal circumstances, it’s important to express them when grieving. Sharing loss makes the load of grief easier to carry. Wherever the support comes from, it is important to accept it and do not grieve alone. It’s normal to feel sad, numb, or angry following a loss. But as time passes, these emotions should become less intense as we accept the loss and start to move forward. If we aren’t feeling better over time, or grief is getting worse, it may be a sign that grief has developed into a more serious problem, such as complicated grief or major depression. The sadness of losing someone we love never goes away completely, but it shouldn’t remain centre stage. If the pain of the loss is so constant and severe that it keeps us from resuming our life, we may be suffering from a condition known as complicated grief. Complicated grief is like being stuck in an intense state of mourning. We may have trouble accepting the death long after it has occurred or be so preoccupied with the person who died that it disrupting daily routine and undermines other relationships. (Simons 1979) Symptoms of complicated grief include: * Intense longing and yearning for the deceased * Intrusive thoughts or images of your loved one * Denial of the death or sense of disbelief * Imagining that your loved one is alive * Searching for the person in familiar places * Avoiding things that remind you of your loved one * Extreme anger or bitterness over the loss * Feeling that life is empty or meaningless Every person is individual and deal with grieving process differently ,however some people experience high level of distress which brings them to see the counsellor. (Stroebe,Schut & Stroebe,2005)People seeking counselling would quite often come for help with thoughts, behaviours, feelings or ability to coop. Sometimes grieving person realizes that counselling is the way to go sometimes family or friends would recognize the symptoms and recommend counselling to the grieving person. In both cases it’s counsellors responsibility to help the survivor to adapt to the change. There are certain principles and procedures than counsellor should follow to help client work through grieving process and come to a good outcome. 1, Actualize the loss Talking about loss may be very difficult for client. This can be encouraged by counsellor by asking appropriate questions: when this happened, how this happened, who told you about it, where were you†¦ some clients would need to go over and over it in their minds before they can be fully aware that it has happened. There is not a time scale for this and counsellor will have to follow clients own pace. Counsellor is in this stage clients listener and can facilitate the growing awareness of the loss and its impact by encouraging to verbalize current and past memories of the deceased. 2, Identify and experience feelings Many clients come to counselling as the are worried about what they are feeling. Some feelings can be very confusing and problematic such as anger ,guilt ,helplessness, loneliness, anxiety. Counsellor’s role is to ensure client that all these feelings are natural and are part of grieving process and help them to acknowledge these sometimes negative feelings. It is important not to leave client with negative feelings but to help them find balance between the negative and positive feelings as focusing on negativity may put client in the risk of complications in the bereavement and make them  suitable for medical treatment(Neimeyer 2000) 3, Assist adapt to the loss To achieve this counsellor may use problem solving approach. What are the problems that client is facing and how can this be solved? Counsellor can help to learn effective coping skills help with self esteem if needed .Good judgement of situation is necessary as during acute grief there is an increased risk of maladaptive response. 4, Help find meaning in the loss The specific ways in which people find meaning-strategies such as â€Å"there’s a spiritual order to the universe†,†she drank too much†,I needed to learn something†-may be less sailent than the process itself .In other words,the ability to reascribe meaning to a change world may be more significant than the specific content by which that need is fulfilled.(Schwartzberg and Halgin 1991,p.245) Finding meaning in loss is one of the goals of counselling. The process can be as important as the meaning. 5, Facilitate emotional relocation By this counsellor can help client find a new place in their own life which will help them to move forward with life. Some people don’t need any encouragement but there are many who do. Especially with loss of loved ones people are tended to feel that if they will move on it will dishonour the memory of the deceased or no one will ever fill the place of lost one. Counsellor can help client to realize that this is true to certain extend but it is all right to live and enjoy their own life. 6, Provide time to grieve Grieving requires time and every person deal with loss differently. Client may be going backward and forward in grieving process and counsellor is there to allow as much time as client needs. Sometimes family and friends seem to the grieving person as â€Å"they don’t understand† â€Å"they keep telling me what to do† etc. Counsellor can help interpret to family members that grieving person needs to accommodate to the loss. There is also a critical time periods which for grieving person is more likely to be difficult to coop with. This would be anniversaries, birthdays ,Christmas and holidays. It is advised to make a note of this dates as grieving person would often  need extra support .If these critical dates come after counselling treatment has finished it is advised to make an arrangements to contact client. 7, Allow for individual differences Grieving process has a wide range of behavioural responses and has strong individual differences in the intensity of reactions, pain ,length of time (Schvartzberg&Halgin,1991) Counsellor can help to explain these differences to the family as sometimes they expect everyone to grieve the same way. Of course client’s ethnicity, religion, upbringing and beliefs play major role in the process and counsellor has to be familiar with these factors. 8, Examine defences and coping styles When rapport between client and counsellor has developed clients are more willing to discuss their behaviour. Some of the coping styles can be dangerous( alcohol and drug abuse) and not making adjustment to the loss. Counsellor has to be alert and inquire about this as heavy drug or alcohol use can intensify the grief and depression. As a general rule, normal grief does not warrant the use of antidepressants. While medication may relieve some of the symptoms of grief, it cannot treat the cause, which is the loss itself. Furthermore, by numbing the pain that must be worked through eventually, antidepressants delay the mourning process. Counsellor can help with active emotional coping which seems to be most effective way to deal with bereavement. This techniques includes using humour ,reframing and redefining difficult situation. 9, Identify Pathology and refer In some cases counsellor may recognize a pathological difficulties in client’s behaviour .Some people will not be able to coop and will continue to struggle. This can develop to some type of complicated grief. .In this case counsellor will have to refer client for different type of psychotherapy. Left untreated, complicated grief and depression can lead to significant emotional damage, life-threatening health problems, and even suicide. To summarize grieving process is natural reaction to the loss It is personal highly individual experience. There is impossible to set a time scale or ask when grieving process is finished. Bowlby(1980) and Parkes (1972) both say that grieving is finished when a person completes the final  phase of restitution. There is a sense in which grieving can be finished when people regain an interest in life, feel more hopeful and adapt to the change. In lots of cases grief counselling is helpful but as a therapists we have to accept that not every grieving person needs counselling and for those who do need it counselling has to be customized as grief is unique to each individual ( Neimeyer,2000) References: Bowlby,J.(1980) Attachment and loss ,New York:Basic Books Kubler-Ross,E.(1969) On death and dying. New York:Macmillan Neimeyer,R.(Ed).(2001) Meaning reconstruction and experience of loss. Washington D.C :American Psychological Association Parkes,C.M.(1972).Bereavement:Studies of grief in adult life.New York:International University Press. Sanders,C. (1989 ) Grief:the mourning after.New York Wiley Worden,W.J.(2009) Grief counselling and grief therapy.A handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner New York: Springer Publishing Company

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Being Unionized or Union-Free ( just paraphrase ) Human Resource Class Essay

Being Unionized or Union-Free ( just paraphrase ) Human Resource Class - Essay Example ith employees, education of employees and management, hiring and promotion policies, quality working conditions, resolving of complaints efficiently and teamwork (Maille, 2009). To be able to remain union free for a long time a company should in the course of production ensure that wages of employees in the same lines of production is analyzed, so as to allow the company to make relevant adjustments in meeting its employees demands. The wages and other compensation can be increased after making the necessary analysis. These benefits will work as a great boon and will help in motivating the employees who will start working effectively after realizing the fact that the company has done a great deal to help them. The internal system should also be analyzed by a company, it includes salary and wage rates in order to determine the exact amount of compensation and wage to be given to different individuals holding various positions, and the varied lengths of service in the company, as it may not be realistic to pay a similar compensation to a new employee as compared to an old employee. If there is any disparity which cannot be explained then an evaluation should be done in order to come up with a fair solution. Employees have quite a few concerns these days and it is very important for a company to address these problems. The management and the employees should interact more often so that the communication becomes crystal clear, it is very important to have a good communication system in place. Some ways of making communication better are door to door policies, suggestion boxes, bulletin boards, job orientation, forms which communicate to the employee benefits and company events like holiday parties and therefore making the employer to know the needs of the employees. After the communication the company is able to act according to the views from its staff and hence make the required changes (Richard, 2008). Educating the employees is essential for a company; the union

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Designing a balance scorecard for the american university in the Essay - 1

Designing a balance scorecard for the american university in the emirates - Essay Example An American University aims to open an affiliate in the United Arab Emirates. However, in order to ensure effective establishment and development of this University, the management needs to develop a comprehensive strategic framework such as Balanced Scorecard. However, there is limited knowledge and understanding of how to apply this framework to educational sector as Balanced scorecard model is mainly applied in commercial sector (Karathanos & Karathanos, 2005). The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of how the framework of a balanced scorecard can be applied to the education sector. Based on the research findings it will be possible to design a balanced scorecard for educational institutions at University level. Furthermore, this paper aims to develop some recommendations in relation to the American University in the United Arab Emirates. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a framework used for tracking and measuring performance. Robert Kaplan and David Norton have introduced the BSC in the early 1990s as a new way for organisations to measure their performance in a comprehensive and integral way. Before, organisations relied only on financial indicators in order to monitor their achievements (Bakhtiari, et al. 2012). However, Kaplan and Norton have expanded this approach, offering a more balanced system. This system is comprised of four major perspectives: financial perspective, customer perspective, internal processes perspective, and learning and growth perspective (Bakhtiari, et al. 2014). All these perspectives have causal relationship among performance indicators and performance measures should be linked to the results (Sudirmann, 2012). The financial perspective is viewed to be the primary perspective of any commercial activity. The primary goal of any commercial activity is to generate revenue and create wealth for its shareholders. The companies set financial goals and develop strategies how to achieve

Designer Babies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Designer Babies - Essay Example The author focuses on attracting and maintaining the audience’s attention. The title of the essay, â€Å"Designer Babies†, can elicit the audience’s interest and maintain it throughout the article as they strive to comprehend the circumstances surrounding the designing of babies. The article is logically organized into introduction, body, and conclusion that are crucial elements of a well-structured essay. The thesis statement is found in the first paragraph where the author argues that some people accept sex selection for children, â€Å"Some people already argue that using that to select the sex of your child is fine, or perhaps for medical reasons† (Sandel Para 1). However, researchers have not addressed other issues such as physical appearance and intelligence. Another feature that makes the article rather captivating constitutes excellent transitions between paragraphs and effective use of rhetoric questions. Paragraph transitions are organized in such a way that they answer questions posed in the previous paragraphs, or pose a question for discussion in the paragraph. Questions are vital in this essay as they help in engaging the reader as the article progresses. The writer does not use numbering in the article, but organizes the essay into varying lengths of paragraphs with smooth transition between paragraphs. Long paragraphs are used to explain the author’s ideas, while short paragraphs at the end of the chapters are used to summarize ideas and giving conclusive solutions to the questions. Sandel refers to historical events when discussing his opinions to support his views. â€Å"What’s the moral of the story of the dark history of eugenics?† The author hooks the readers by effectively posing questions in the arti cle. Sandel effectively apply logos, which appeal to the audience’s logical reasoning (Halmari 6). Sandel begins his essay by investigating the morality in selecting the genes that can be used to shape the

Monday, August 26, 2019

The effect of a New Technology on Society, Education, Entertainment, Research Paper

The effect of a New Technology on Society, Education, Entertainment, Financial Interests - Research Paper Example To gain a thorough understanding of the effect that technology has we will look at the impact it has had on the social, educational, entertainment as well as financial spheres. As far as technology goes the impact that it has had on the society has been in phenomenal. Every aspect of life has been altered due to the impression made by technology. It not only affects people regardless of their ages worldwide but it also goes to reflect the novelty that the human mind is capable of. How the society is affected by the introduction of rapid technological innovations can be categorized by looking at the most altering technologies. The first of these is the internet technology. Gone are the times when people struggle to gain information and date in order to make critical decisions. The introduction of the internet fills that information gap providing consumers with a wealth of information to make smart and informed decisions. It provides a platform for students as well as teachers for cons ultation or referrals. The Internet provides a place for businesses as well as individuals to find the information that they need and the exchange of information a simplified process. Not only can through proper usage companies build themselves it can enable consumers to easily search for specific services tailor made for them (McGinn, 2001). Despite the ease of information and flexibility that is the result of the technological progress of the World Wide Web there are other negative implications that it has contributed to as far as the society is concerned. True that consumer can make better decisions resulting in an influx of products that are of higher quality and value. Also it has lead to the world moving towards a society where individuals everywhere are integrated and a lot more connected however there are harmful implications of this technology as well. The first of these is the availability of harmful and unhealthy material reliable online that is easy to access for everyon e regardless of age. There are then also individuals who publish harmful material on the internet and due to weak controls to censor children and adults alike have easy access. Internet crime, in terms of hacking, blackmailing and manipulation online is another negative implication due to the introduction of this technology. Cyber crime is now a threatening advent of the society on which is possible only due to the introduction of internet technology. The introduction of nano technology is also deep rooted as far as the restructuring of the society is concerned. It has impacted not only the area of human health, by the use of nanotechnology to treat diseases like cancer but also the way it can be used to dismantle cancer tumors. The health sector has made numerous advancements which have led to the treatment of diseases effectively and enhancing human health leading to higher life expectancy. In addition to the impact on the health sector, the electronics industry is also affected d ue to nanotechnology. This can be seen in the way the use of the nano, variable devices and applications can be built. A significant incorporation of this concept is used for combat as well as espionage for considerable improvements in military strength and defense. Energy technology is another category which has impacted the society and our way of living today. This can be seen by the introduction of solar, wind and hydrogen technology of the battery. These

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Insurgency International Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words

Insurgency International Context - Essay Example During the last two decades, the world community has been witnessing substantial rise in insurgency in different parts of the world that pose great challenges in terms of security and maintenance of political stability at global level. The outbreak and rise of insurgency is an important issue that has the potential to influence the dimensions of world politics. The reasons behind the rise of insurgency always remain an important point of concern for the social scientists and there have been many research studies conducted to identify the core reasons behind the evolution of insurgency. It is revealed that there are certain country characteristics that determine the possibilities of insurgencies within its boundaries. For instance, the poorer societies are found at high risk positions to encounter insurgency in form of civil war. Moreover, in the countries where there is political instability and abundance of rob able resources there are more chances to encounter the dilemma of insurgency1. It implies that the country characteristics encourage the insurgents to manage organized revolt against the existing authority. It is also revealed that insurgency is promoted through the external support being provided to the insurgents. Byman (2001) explain some important reasons behind the rise of insurgency and tells in some cases, the opponent of the state use to convince the ethnic minorities of the state to put on their struggle against the governments for their rights. The problems and discriminating acts of the government are over highlighted and over exposed to give the minorities an impression that have been massively exploited by the state and it is very crucial for them to raise voice against the established authorities. The minorities are strongly encouraged to resists against the governments in order to establish a system of their own choice where they could be assure of protection of their rights2. An important point within the debate of causes

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Wal Mart Corporation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wal Mart Corporation - Case Study Example The first Wal-Mart store was opened in 1962, known as the Wal-Mart Discount City. Within five years twenty four more outlets were opened in the state of Arkansas touching $12.6 million in turnover. The company forayed outside the state of Arkansas for the first time in 1968 with the launch of its stores in Sikeston, Missouri and Clairemore in Oklahoma. By 1975, the company had established it's presence in most part of country, with 125 stores across different states, with a sales turnover of $340.3 million and 7500 employees. 1(Wikipedia) The company is now one of the world's top retailers. Mainly driving its growth were its diversification strategies(Wal-Mart Super centers and Neighborhood Markets),international operations and membership warehouse clubs(Sam's Club).As of June 30th 2007,the Company had a network of 1,039 Wal-Mart discount stores,2,337 Supercentres,585 Sam's Clubs and 121 Neighborhood Markets in the United States-a total of 4,082 outlets. The Company's global operations include-15 units in Argentinia,298 units in Brazil,290 units in Canada, a presence of 83 Wal-Mart units and101 Trust-Mart units in China.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Sustainable and ethical tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Sustainable and ethical tourism - Essay Example People do not have time to spend with their families to sit back, relax and talk. It’s all about accumulating wealth and how much can you accumulate. Under such intrigue situations people all over the world go on holidays and vacations whenever they get time to spend with their loved ones. Choosing a tourist destination is not that simple today, now you need to consider a number of factors before you make the final decision. Majority of the mass tourism today is dominated by travelers that want to explore the world and to discover the secrets and signs hidden in its beauty, matter and treasures. The market dynamics in today’s brisk paced world have revolutionized. Media empowerment, advancement of internet and technology and emergence of public entities, social groups and Non Government Organizations have revolutionized the market place from top to toe in all respects. Today the consumer is obstinate from a marketer’s perspective and has the power and liberty to repudiate or purchase, literally, anything based on personal liking and choice. This is how the marketplace works in the real world today with the emergence and existence of a new concept known to us as consumerism (Assadourin, 2010). The tourists today are also aware of the morals and ethics of travelling and they really take care of the fact that they are visiting places that offer healthy and genuine mass tourism. Healthy and genuine mass tourism refers to the fact that the culture and the heritage that is portrayed as local are original and not captured or illegally acquired. Similarly greener environments are preferred over places that are not environment friendly. Similarly with growing political tension in different parts of the world, terrorism and discriminatory acts have labeled some of the greatest tourist destinations as no go zones and this has led to the shift in interests of and choices made by tourists to decide upon their dream location for vacation (J.D Roth, 2011) . Mass tourism Industry and its impact on economy After the recession the global economy is still recovering from its aftershocks and after effects. The recession blew away all the mega structures that were created by the financial gurus and the corporate masterminds for the economic stability of Global business community. All their efforts literally went in vain as their hard work of years did not enable their businesses to survive a couple of years of economic downturn. As the disastrous recession of 2007-08 comes to an end, the corporate sectors and the global economies look for industries that are virtually recession proof and that will help them come out of the recession more quickly than others. One such industry is the Global Mass tourism Industry. According to the Global Mass tourism Industry accounts for 9% percent of the world GDP and 8% of the total world employment. These are big numbers and by 2019 the Global Mass tourism Industry is expected to create 29 6 million jobs worldwide. The former discussion

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Incarceration of African American Males Essay Example for Free

Incarceration of African American Males Essay Introduction The trend of African American males between the ages of 25 and 29 has seen a dramatic increase of incarceration. Attention has been focusing on areas of housing, education, and healthcare but the most prominent problem for African American males is the increase in the incarceration rate. African American males between the ages of 25 and 29 incarceration rate has been thought, by many, to be caused by economic factors such as under employment or unemployment, poor housing, lack of education, and lack of healthcare. Yet, others believe it is due to the imbalance of minorities within the criminal justice system, such as judges, lawyers, and lawmakers. This paper will explore two different outlooks; society has come up with so far, as to why African American Males between the ages of 25 and 29 are increasingly incarcerated. Finally, the information will give awareness to the problems that is faced by African American Males between the ages of 25 and 29. Prevalence – Problem 1 More than 40% of all American prisoners, men and women, are African American men, yet they make up just 13% of the U. S. male population (Roberts, 2004). This statistic does not include those African American men who are in local jails nor does it include those African American men under custodial supervision (Table 2). They enter the state and federal prison system, at the prime of their economic and reproductive lives and yet they exit prison behind both economically and socially. The high rate of incarceration among African Americans has been noted by the interconnection of poor economy, lack of affordable housing, mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence, absence of a strong black male role model, lack of access to education, or some type of combination of these factors. Statistics don’t even give African American males a good chance to stay out of jail. They have a one in four chance of being incarcerated, while Hispanic American males have a one in six chance, and white males only have a one in twenty three chance of incarceration. The color of African Americans sets them apart and makes them targetable. Prevalence – Problem 2 There is evidence, in our American Justice System, of structural inequality as seen in the percentages of minorities to the percentage of majorities employed in high ranking positions, within the system. The percentage of United States judges by race are 79% Caucasian, 12% African American, and 2% Hispanics American (Federal Judicial Center, 2012), as for the thousands of lawyers in the United States it is approximate of 3% are African American (National Law Group, 2010-2011), and about 1 in 4 police officers are members of a racial or ethnic minority in 2007 (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2013). An investigation into racial profiling showed that African American and Hispanic American offenders, who often are young unemployed males, are more likely than their white counterparts (Spohn, C. , 2000). Their prison sentences are also typically longer or they receive differential benefits from guideline departures than do similarly situated white offenders (Spohn, C. , 2000). We must acknowledge the problems of racial disparity within the criminal justice system, communicate racial disparity within the criminal justice system with those we who are not informed of the problem, and stay committed to changing racial disparity within our justice system for change to begin. Causes In researching the high rate of incarceration in America it is more likely than not that the increase in African American Males being incarcerated is due to the War on Drugs (Table 1). It is public knowledge that drug crime ranks high among the effects of poverty. These poor neighborhoods not only endure crime they have poor schools, poor food, cramped living areas, and shortage of jobs if any jobs at all. Drugs and drug crime has become regularity in low income communities, arrests of Hispanics made up 55% of cocaine powder offences and 52% of marijuana offenses and 49% involving opiates: African Americans were suspected in 75% of crack cocaine cases; White males were suspected in 41% all methamphetamine cases (Motivans, M. , 2011). Decades of failed public and private remedies for chronic disparities and disadvantages in communities of color invite us to reexamine systems and institutions that provide and restrict opportunity in new ways (Lawrence, K. , 2011). The causes seem to be intertwined being poor equals, equals a poor education, equals lack of employment, and ultimately equals an increased rate of crime. Consequences The causes seem to be intertwined being poor, equals lack of education, which equals lack of employment, which equals increased rate of crime which equals impossibility to join criminal justice system. Also, many of these men are incarcerated while all the other non-incarcerated American young men are finishing school, starting careers, earning seniority at work, marrying and having children thus gaining capital. Even when released from prison, these men return back to their communities with a felony record that will pose extreme problems for them. The incarceration leads the released convict into a lower social class even if they were considered lower class Americans prior to their incarceration; they now are lower in social class standing in most instances. This leads to a poor African American community, perhaps as many as 50% of the male population will have been in prison. These incarcerated African American Males, who are in their prime of life, also are leaving half the families in this community facing such things as poverty, lack of affordable housing, mental illness, substance abuse, violence, absence of a strong black male role model, lack of access to education, or some type of combination of these factors. The community ultimately will become poverty stricken, struggling to survive, and ultimately vulnerable to the situation repeating. Solutions – How can this be changed? There are four key aspects to addressing racial disparity, in my opinion: 1. Acknowledge 2. Communication 3. Setback = Strength 4. Commitment Not only is the problem of racial disparity under recognized by society it is not being communicated effectively to make change. Majority groups needs to acknowledge racial disparity and minority groups need to communicate their knowledge regarding racial disparity. As each group majority and minority begins to become share their information with each other and work together for a common solution acknowledging there will be setbacks but with continued commitment systemic change will happen. Conclusion By refusing to tolerate disparate treatment of people of color or anyone within the criminal justice system we empower ourselves and our country. It is time that everyone including our legislators, law enforcement, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges work collectively and courageously to eradicate this negative stigma. Despite, America being known for its equal rights we are living proof that in this era inequality is a factor that cannot be taken lightly. The statistics that are surrounding African American males is astounding. We need to empower African American males with the knowledge that they have a one in four chance of becoming incarcerated. It is also important to know that Hispanic males have a one in six chance, and white males have a one in twenty three chance of incarceration. All of these statistics need to be addressed to empower each and every one us. Throughout history we have not seen a change in majority groups (White, Male) and minority groups (Women, anyone that is not White) although we have seen numbers of minorities increasing at a fast pace. Today, however, the election of Barack Obama, not once but twice, may set the new ideal of what an American actually is. As we embrace different cultures and their ethnic backgrounds society will prosper. As society increases their knowledge, in regards to each person’s differences, they will acquire greater strength and prosperity. The only issue, that can occur, will be in the short term empowering others to embrace diversity. When we look beyond short-term, focus will shift to diverse empowerment through embracing the knowledge of our differences thus making us stronger as a society. TABLE 1: BLACK PROPORTION OF DRUG ARRESTS, EXCLUDING MARIJUANA POSSESSION YEAR BLACK % 1999 40. 1 2000 39. 3 2001 39. 1 2002 35. 8 2003 33. 8 2004 33. 1 2005 33. 2 Data calculated from drug arrest figures by race provided by the Uniform Crime Reports division of the FBI TABLE 2: FBI CRIME REPORT Arrests By Race, 2006 [11,249 agencies; 2006 estimated population 216,685,152] Total White Black American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian or Pacific islander Total White Black American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian or Pacific Islander TOTAL 10,437,620. 7270214 2924724 130589 112093 100. 0 69. 7 28 1. 3 1. 1 Drug abuse violations 1376192 875101 483886 8198 9607 1000 63. 6 35. 1 0. 6 0. 7 DUI’S 1034651 914226 95260 13484 11681 100 88. 4 9. 2 1. 3 1. 1 Liquor laws 466323 398068 50035 12831 5389 100 85. 4 10. 7 2. 8 1. 2 Drunken-ness 408439 344155 54113 7884 2287 100 84. 3 13. 2 1. 9 0. 6 Dis-orderly conduct 5117264 325991 179733 7606 3934 100 63. 0 34. 7 1. 5 0. 8 (The FBI: Uniform Crime Report, 2010) References Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2013, http://bjs. ojp. usdoj. gov/index. cfm? ty=tptid=71 The FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 2010, Table 43, http://www. fbi. gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u. s/2010/crime-in-the-u. s. -2010/tables/table-43 Federal Judicial Center, 2012, Overview of the United States Court System, http://www. fjc. gov/public/pdf. nsf/lookup/FJC_Standard_PPT_English_June_2012. pdf/$file/FJC_Standard_PPT_English_June_2012. pdf Lawrence, K. , 2011, Race, Crime, and Punishment: Breaking the Connection in America, http://www. aspeninstitute. org/sites/default/files/content/docs/pubs/Race-Crime-Punishment. pdf Motivans, Mark, 2011, Washington, DC: US Dept. of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics, http://bjs. ojp. usdoj. gov/content/pub/pdf/fjs09. pdf National Law Group 2010-2011, http://blacklawyers. net/ Roberts, D. , 2004, Measuring the Social and Moral Cost of Mass Incarceration, in African American Communities, http://www. law. fsu. edu/faculty/2003-2004workshops/roberts. pdf Spohn,C. ,2000, Thirty Years of Sentencing Reform: The Quest for a Racially Neutral Sentencing Process, http://www. justicestudies. com/pubs/livelink3-1. pdf.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Protestants funeral customs Essay Example for Free

Protestants funeral customs Essay A Protestant is a member of any of the several church denominations that denied the universal authority of the Pope and supporting the reformation principles which believed in justification by faith, universal priesthood of believers, and the supremacy of the bible as the basic and the guidelines for the Christian journey in life. They emerge around 16th century and strongly support evangelism. All these are in opposition to the Roman Catholics doctrine. Protestant funerals take different forms. Some believe in the act of burial while some believe in cremation. Family involvements, denomination, circumstances surrounding such death are factors affecting the form of funeral that the family will embark upon. Most times the whole process is design by the pastors in conjunction with the family. Most protestant clergy don’t follow a particular book of worship during the funeral. The Corpse is usually prepared before the final event. This serves as a mark of passage from life to death and the mode of preparing a corpse by protestant is usually by embalmment. After embalming the corpse, the clothes and the body are usually washed. The clothes worn on the corpse has no restriction on the type or the shape. The time and removal of the deceased varies, depending on the family and the day of removal is not also restricted by the church. The clergy must be notified as soon as possible because courtesy mandated the quick notification. The role of the clergyman is very in important in the final passage and burial. The functions of the clergy are to visit the family, friends so as to discuss with them and also gather more information about the deceased. The plan and the request of the family in regards to what they want and how they want the funerals to be done must be discussed during such clergy visits. Casket is another important aspect, this is because what each family want differ and there’s no restriction on the type. The caskets can either be open or closed and most times it is usually closed before the concluding aspect of the funeral. When the deceased is placed in the casket there are some protestant that allows visit to sides of the casket by the friends and other family members to pay a last respect to the deceased. Among the respects include the sending of gifts and flowers to indicate their feeling towards the deceased. The sermon and the final funerals either in the church or other place as required by the family usually involve preaching of the sermon that focus mainly on the meaning of death and Christian view of resurrection. The message can also talk about the life, achievement and lessons from the deceased. The sermon can then be followed by prayers and songs before the burial or cremation. The funeral cortege usually also depend on the family but most cortege is as follows, escort, followed by the clergy, then the casket bearers, casket coach, family of deceased and finally the friends. The final aspect is the Committal service and it is also determine by most family or the clergy. The order of services is as follows, procession to the graveyard, placement of the caskets in the grave by the bearers and the use of sand by the clergy and the children, lastly the benediction and dismissal. Cremation is an act of burning the corpse of the deceased and it is usually carried out by the Greeks and the roman in an open pyre. Protestant with the belief that God can resurrect easily a bowl of ashes support cremation but their participation involve the building of modern crematoriums.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Communication for Health Promotion

Communication for Health Promotion The purpose of this assignment is to strongly critique an interaction between a health professional and a service user in a video clip titled â€Å"Sexual Health Advice Role-play† (Nice (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) Media, 2012). In the video clip, an adolescent male is seen using the C card scheme to obtain free condom from a pharmacy. The health professional in the pharmacy takes this as an opportunity to offer the adolescent service user a free chlamydia test. The type of health promotion and communication seen in the video clip will be discussed including the health promotion models observed in the clip and the strategies that could have been used to enhance the opportunity will be highlighted. In order to promote health, heath professionals must understand the definition of health. Health is commonly defined by two definitions; one of which is a negative definition and the other positive. The negative definition of health defines health as the absence of disease or illness (Naidoo and Wills, 2009), whereas the positive definition looks at holistic health and defines health as not just the absence of disease and infirmity but as a state of complete physical mental and social well-being (World Health Organisation (WHO), 1946). Health is holistic and consists of different dimensions which all need to be considered (Naidoo and Wills, 2009). Health promotion is a practice of empowering people to improve control over their health, and to also better it. It encourages people to improve their mental, physical and social well-being and to do so individuals and groups should have the knowledge of interventions that are in place in order to help people satisfy their needs, and change or cope with the environment (WHO), 1986). Nutbeam (1998) suggested that a comprehensive social and political process is represented by Health Promotion. It does not just look at strategies used to strengthen people’s skills and capabilities but it also looks at the strategies used to change social, environmental and economic conditions in order to improve their impact on individuals and public health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions (WHO) 1986). There is a variety of health promotion approaches which all have different objectives. These approaches are medical, behaviour change, educational, empowerment and social change (Naidoo and Wills 2009). The medical approach concentrates on strategies used to decrease morbidity and premature mortality. The approach is also concerned with disease prevention among high-risk groups. This approach is usually linked with the three levels of health promotion, which are primary, secondary and tertiary (Leddy, 2006). Primary health promotion consists of strategies that prevent ill health before it occurs. Strategies may include immunisation or encouraging people to live healthier lifestyles (Hubley et al, 2013). The C card is a form of Primary health promotion because it aims to help young people protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases by issuing free condoms.[g1] Condoms are an effective way of preventing sexually transmitted diseases (National Health Service (NHS) choices, 201 3) therefore the C Card scheme is a good example of primary health promotion because it prevents disease before it occurs. Secondary health promotion consists of actions taken to identify and prevent the progression of disease at an early stage (Scriven,2005). Secondary health promotion strategies may include health screening programmes. Secondary health promotion is seen in the video clip when the health professional encourages the service user to get screened for chlamydia. Every young person under the age of 25 is entitled to a free and confidential chlamydia test through the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP). The NCSP is an NHS sexual health programme which was put into place by the Department of Health (DOH) in 2003 (NCSP 2003). In 2012 206,912 people in England tested positive for chlamydia and 64% of these were under 25 (NHS Choice, 2013). The NCSP targets young people under 25 because they are a high risk group where chlamydia is concerned. The programme’s aims are to make sure that young people under the age of 25 who are sexually active are aware of the effects of chlamydia and have access to free and confidential chlamydia screening (NCSP, 2013). According to Public Health England (PHE) (2013), since the NCSP was introduced there has been a 40% increase of chlamydia diagnoses in young people. This shows that more young people are being tested and getting treatment for chlamydia. The last level of health promotion is tertiary health promotion which looks at improving the health of individuals who are already affected by a disease. It consists of actions to avoid deterioration and aims to reduce complications (Fertman and Allensworth, 2010). An example of tertiary health promotion is when an HIV infected person takes antiretroviral drugs to help slow down the spread of virus in the body (NHS choice, 2012). The educational approach aims to enable individuals to make informed choices about their health behaviours by educating and assi sting them in developing skills (Trapani 2007). The educational approach is applied in the interaction when the health professional firstly provides the service user with information about chlamydia before performing the chlamydia test. The behaviour change approach aims to change individual’s unhealthy behaviours, by encouraging them to adopt healthy behaviours (Dixey, 2013). An element of the behaviour change approach is seen in the video clip; by providing free condoms to young people, the C card scheme is trying to change their behaviours by encouraging them to stop engaging in unprotected sex. The C-Card scheme is a service for young people which provides free condoms, advice and information. [g2]The service is free and confidential. The aims of the scheme are to help young people have more access to condoms, support them, educate them on sexual heath and how to correctly use condoms (Burtney, 2008). The initial reason why the service user went to the pharmacy was to obtain free condoms but the health professional takes this as an opportunity to promote health. The promotion of health and wellbeing is a fundamental part of being a health professional (Scriven, 2005). All health care professionals are encouraged to make every contact count. They are encouraged to use every interaction with an individual as an opportunity to promote health, whatever their profession or the reason of the interaction (Department of Health, 2012). Good communication skills are essential when health professional are attempting to promote good sexual health to young people. Effective communication enables health professionals to maximise the success of the interaction and this enhances the associated health promotion throughout the consultation (Barnes, 2009). The communication process begins at point of greeting and introduction (French, 2006). Williams and Davies (2005) suggest that communication with adolescents should begin with the development of trust. They further on elaborate that rapport with the adolescent should be built by health professionals and they are also are advised to be non judgemental and straight forward. Throughout the interaction, the health professional did not introduce herself to the service user. The health professional could have presented the idea of a chlamydia screening more effectively by firstly introducing herself. According to NICE (2012) health and social care professionals must always make it a priority to introduce themselves to service users and clearly explain their role and responsibilities. If the health professional had introduced herself to the service user, the service user would have felt more comfortable and would have had more trust in the health professional. Introducing herself could have helped her build rapport between herself and the service user. Establishing rapport and building a relationship between a service user and health professional are considered as foundations to good communication (Mitchell and Welling, 1998). Building a relationship is fundamental when working with young people because if a young person does not trust you, they may not disclose personal information (Royal College of Nursing (RCN), 2013). Throughout the consultation the health professional maintained excellent professionalism. The language used by the health professional was that of a professional manor and not over technical. The service user used clinical language that could be understood by the service user, she did not speak in way that could have been patronising to the service user. When interacting with adolescents, some health professionals resort to using patronising language because they believe an adolescent would not be capable of understanding professional language (Berry, 2006) The health professional maintained good eye contact throughout the interaction. When interacting with a service user, health professionals are advised to maintain eye contact if it is culturally acceptable for the service user because it shows honest, confidence and helps build a more therapeutic relationship (Eisenberge, 2012). According to Bateman (2000), a health professional’s advice may not be absorbed if there is a la ck of eye contact. Appropriate body language was used by the health professional throughout the interaction. The body language used by the service user was also that of a professional manor. Allen (2013) suggests that body language can be used as a foundation of building rapport between service user and health professional. She also goes on to say that trust can be established through mirroring and matching the body movements of a person. The health professional is seen mirroring the service user’s body movement throughout the interaction. Maintained good communication skill, eye contact, body language Good environment no noise, privacy, no interruptions When service user asked if it could be transmitted through kissing professional asked as if she didn’t know. No information. Did not ask for consent She did not give him a chance to ask questions Gave information before test References Burtney, E (2008) Guidelines for Setting Up a C-Card Condom Distribution Scheme For Young People. Available at: (Accessed: 23 April 2014) Department of Health (2012) The NHSs role in the publics health: a report from the NHS Future Forum. Available at: (Accessed: 23 April 2014) Public Health England (2013) Chlamydia screening intervention proves infectious in general practice. Available at: (Accessed: 24 April 2014) Fertman, C. and Allensworth, D. (ed.) (2010) Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice. London: Jossey-Bass Hubley, H., Copeman, J. and Woodall, J. (2013) Practical Health Promotion. 2nd edn. Cambridge: Polity Press Leddy, S. (2006) Integrative Health Promotion: Conceptual Bases for Nursing Practice. 2nd edn. London: Jones and Bartlett Naidoo, J. and Wills, J. (2009) Foundations For Health Promotion. 3rd edn. London: Elsevier NCSP (2013) What is the NCSP?. Available at: (Accessed: 23 April 2014) NHS Choices (2012) HIV and AIDS – Treatment. Available at: (Accessed: 23 April 2014) NHS Choices (2013) Chlamydia. Available at: ttp:// (Accessed: 24 April 2014) Nutbeam, D. (1998) ‘Evaluating Health Promotion – progress, problems and solutions’, Health Promotion international ; 13, pp. 27-44 Scriven, A. (2005) Health Promoting Practice: The contribution of nurses and allied health professional. 1st edn. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan World Health organisation (1986) The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Available at: (Accessed: 23 April 2014) World Health Organisation (1946) Constitution. World Health Organisation, Geneva [g1]Reference [g2]Reference

Critique of Weltys A Worn Path Essay -- Eudora Welty, Essays on A Wor

â€Å"A Worn Path† by Eudora Welty, is the tale of an elderly black woman who shows an enormous amount of determination when it comes to helping her unceasingly ill grandson. Phoenix Jackson is the main character in Welty’s â€Å"A Worn Path.† Throughout the story, Miss Phoenix Jackson travels the same path every day overcoming whatever obstacles she encounters as she strives along the path in the contribution of her grandson’s health, for he is whom Phoenix habitually travels this â€Å"worn path.† Furthermore, the story must be noted for its simplicity, and vast metaphoric symbolism. Welty uses the path and its obstacles as a form of inspirational aura, one could even say the path is a mirrored image of the difficulties one endures throughout life’s frightening journey. The obstacles are intended to portray the barriers, the risks, and the setbacks one may encounter from day to day life. Moving onward, one could easily compare â€Å"A Worn Path† to the life of the average person, and in-turn, the obstacles that individual must overcome in order to provide for his or her loved ones. For example, every individual follows the same routine daily in the conquest of life’s necessities and in the pursuit of happiness, just as Phoenix follows her ritual path day after day. Still, despite the prior verity that everyone travels down a habitual path nearly every day, this however, does not constitute the notion that the individual will encounter the exact same c ircumstances and obstacles daily. While some obstacles are there to stay, others may come and go allowing the individual to learn from his or her past experiences. What’s more is that one never knows what to expect from day to day life. Despite the element of surprise, on the other hand ... ...s, Phoenix isn’t a charity case at all, for she is far from this epitome. Phoenix accomplishes more in one day than most individuals could ever even dream of. â€Å"A Worn Path,† is an inspirational tale of the journey of an elderly woman who goes by the name of Phoenix Jackson. Miss Phoenix Jackson inspires all of us that we can endure and overcome life’s difficulties. In the story, Phoenix shows that with an immense amount of hope, sheer determination, and inexhaustible exertion, that anyone despite their physical and mental attributes can overcome and endure whatever obstacles are positioned in their way. Work Cited Welty, Eudora. â€Å"A Worn Path.† 1941. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts, Ed. Henry E. Jacobs. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc., 2006. 110-15.

Monday, August 19, 2019

American Philosophy Essay example -- essays research papers

John Dewey was an American psychologist, philosopher, educator, social critic and political activist. He was born in Burlington, Vermont, on October 20, 1859. Dewey graduated from the University of Vermont in 1879, and received his PhD from Johns Hopkins University in 1884. He started his career at the University of Michigan, teaching there from 1884 to 1888 and 1889-1894, with a one year term at the University of Minnesota in 1888. In 1894 he became the chairman of the department of philosophy, psychology, and pedagogy at the University of Chicago. In 1899, John Dewey was elected president of the American Psychological Association, and in 1905 he became president of the American Philosophical Association. Dewey taught at Columbia University from 1905 until he retired in 1930, and occasionally taught as professor emeritus until 1939. During his years at Columbia he traveled the world as a philosopher, social and political theorist, and educational consultant. Among his major journeys are his lectures in Japan and China from 1919 to 1921, his visit to Turkey in 1924 to recommend educational policy, and a tour of schools in the USSR in 1928. Of course, Dewey never ignored American social issues. He was outspoken on education, domestic and international politics, and numerous social movements. Among the many concerns that attracted Dewey's support were women's suffrage, progressive education, educator's rights, the Humanistic movement, and world peace. Dewey died in New York City on June 1, 1952. In one of John Dewey’s essay titled â€Å"What I Believe,† he goes in details about his new â€Å"faith.† Dewey explains that this new â€Å"faith† was based around individual experience and not with doctrines of authority. In Dewey’s eyes, he feels that by following a faith of authority people will soon lose their faith in the power of experience that shapes beliefs and actions. There is a line in the essay that shows Dewey’s belief that the new â€Å"faith† is based around experience not authority; â€Å"faith in its newer sense signifies that experience itself is the sole ultimate authority.† Dewey also expresses that when people start having faith in a particular religion; they believe what others are telling them and not finding real faith and beliefs through their own experiences. So people need to find faith through experiencing life and not just joining a religion because someone told... ...d James’ pragmatism talks a lot about individuals learning through experience and expands on it and talks about gaining knowledge through experience. I enjoyed learning about Emerson that most because he talks a lot about the importance of thinking for yourself and not letting people tell you what you should learn and know. I feel that Emerson was right in giving his speeches to college students about not being sucked in the society of following orders, but learning from past and present experiences to be an individual. I feel that the overall material discussed in this course was very informative and interesting to learn about. Many of the philosophers discussed the importance of being an individual and doing what you as a person believes is right. But they also discussed issues with education which is a very important topic too. I feel that education is to instructional at times too, and I feel that teachers should allow for their students to learn through experience, because I feel that leaves a bigger impact then constant instruction. So I really feel that this course taught me a lot about philosophy and a lot about how to be an individual and how to learn through experience.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Accident - Original Writing Essay -- Papers

The Accident - Original Writing I can hear the boisterous wind charging through the icy caverns of the station. My polished, black leather shoes pad against the escalator stairs, as I rub at the chafing collar of my shirt, aware of the irritating dampness. Everything seems to be going against me. Morality has a vice-like grip on my stiff shoulders, and it is beginning to yank me back. Gripping the cold handle of my briefcase offers some reassurance, but remembering the contents sends an ominous shiver up my spine. They did not say the first job would be so hard. The grime, embedded in the rugged tiles, adds to the dingy, depressing surroundings. A crumpled crisp packet flits across the surface, as another tube roars past. It is as if I have just entered the minotaur's den, and luckily escaped the clutches of the savage beast. I begin to walk more briskly, as an unpleasant stench wafts from the nearby toilets. Have they never heard of such a thing as disinfectant or cleaners? Inefficiency is a rapidly spreading disease, and it needs a cure soon. Failure to succeed, especially in my line of work, has inconceivable consequences. The relative quiet is broken by the monotonous drone of the loudspeaker dictating various platforms, and a raucous group of youths. I glower at them as they began ridiculing a humble tramp who is coughing vigorously, blatantly distressed. My moral arrow tells me I should go and prevent this, however the objectives involved include avoiding all human contact. The one on the left hand side, a stocky teenager with a crew cut and a hideous earring, begins making offensive gestures with his free hand, the oth... ... enveloped the tube. Muffled groans broke the silence. The sprucely dressed man with polished hair flicked on his lighter, and activated his phone beam. Beside him was a balding man, blood oozing from a deep gash in his chest. The man with the lighter sat up abruptly, a concerned look on his face. He hastily removed his jacket, and applied it to the wound, in an attempt to prevent the blood loss. The balding man grunted, croaking for assistance. A creased picture caught the eye of the suavely dressed man. It was beside the ravaged hand of the balding man. He frowned, recognising the picture's familiarity. On the back, scribbled in red writing, was the word target. Before acting, he reached for the weighty briefcase that was crushing his foot. He began to click it open. The balding man's left eye fluttered open.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Nanomedicine Essay

Nanomedicine: Obtaining the Benefits, Managing the Risks The phrase â€Å"small is beautiful† has taken on new meaning to Some nanomedicine drug-delivery systems and anti-cancer drugs those involved in the scientific field known as nanotechnology, are already in use. Many other applications are in various phases which involves engineering and utilizing materials at the nano- of clinical or pre-clinical testing, and, if found safe and effective, meter scale – that is, as small as one-billionth of a meter. Reduced may reach the market in five to 12 years. More advanced nano- o these minute dimensions, substances often undergo significant medicine products – such as biocontainers for medical diagnostics changes – for example, carbon becomes stronger than steel and and cell treatment – are in earlier stages of development. copper is transparent. The increasing ability of science to compress materials to the submicroscopic level is affecting many fields of human endeavor. Current and emerging nanotechnology applications include advanced energy generation and storage systems, as well as new chemical additives and industrial materials.More than 300 products with nano-scale ingredients are already on the market, ranging from sunscreens to bowling ball coatings. Regulatory and Risk Issues Despite the accelerating pace of nanotechnology progress, many fundamental regulatory issues are only now being addressed by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These include defining what constitutes a nanotechnology product, establishing regulatory authority over various types of products, adopting labeling requirements, and calculating the health and environmental impact of emerging applications.One rapidly developing area of nanotechnology research is nanomedicine, the process of â€Å"using molecular tools and molecular knowledge of the human body† for the purpose of diagnosing and treating illness. (Freitas, R. , Nanomedicine, V ol. 1: Basic Capabilities, Georgetown, Texas: Landes Bioscience, 1999. ) The swift progress of nanomedicine research makes it necessary to understand the risks and begin the process of limiting potential exposure. Risk assessment is one of the major challenges facing the FDA, as techniques designed for macroscopic materials may be unreliable for nanotechnology products.A National Research Council report (available at http://www. nap. edu/catalog. php? record_id=11752) noted that until the risks associated with nanotechnology are more clearly understood, â€Å"it is prudent to employ some precautionary measures to protect the health and safety of workers, the public Nanomedicine Applications and the environment. † Nanomedicine may potentially revolutionize our ability to screen, This precautionary philosophy applies equally to healthcare organ- diagnose and treat conditions ranging from cancer to cardio- izations. While the promise of nanomedicine is bright, the risks ascular disease to diabetes. Scientists are at work on the following and ethical questions posed by these advances must be consid- projects, among many others: ered carefully. Major potential risks include – infection and genetic testing tools that are faster, more accurate and less invasive than conventional methods – nanoneedle and pulsed laser surgery that alters cell structures without damaging surrounding areas – targeted drug-delivery systems that transport the drug exactly where needed and monitor its effect – nanotube-based biosensing devices that provide in vivo iagnostic testing capabilities, such as tracking electrolyte and blood glucose levels – gold-coated nanoparticles that destroy individual tumor cells while leaving nearby healthy cells unharmed – â€Å"intelligent† synthetic biomaterials that mimic body – possibly heightened toxicity of free nanoparticles, which may be able to bypass the body’s defenses a nd interfere with basic biological processes – genetic alteration, as some therapies operate at the chromosomal level and hence raise complex ethical questions, ranging from informed consent of the unborn o the prospect of genetic enhancement for the few to the issues surrounding stem cell research – environmental and workplace impact, as the particles are often too small to be trapped by available filtration systems and may accumulate in water, air or plants, with unpredictable consequences tissues and may eventually enable organ regeneration AlertBulletin A R i s k M a n a g e m e n t U p d a t e f ro m C N A H e a l t h P ro 08 issue 6 – healthcare paradigm shift, as new technologies possibly result in obsolescence for some established therapeutic modalities, creating new financial and administrative emands in terms of equipment, care settings, and staff training and competencies. Strategies As the nanomedicine revolution unfolds, healthcare organizations must find effective ways to ensure patient safety and reduce the liability risks inherent in adopting cutting-edge diagnostic and treatment techniques. The following proactive measures can assist your healthcare organization in maximizing the potential benefits of nanomedicine while minimizing associated risks: – Create a nanomedicine task force composed of clinical and administrative leaders with a high level of scientific ophistication to research nanomedicine prospects, benefits, costs and risks, and incorporate the group’s findings into the strategic planning process. – Undertake prospective risk analysis to address areas of potential enterprise liability, including adverse outcomes, environmental hazards, and implicit warranties or guarantees contained within marketing materials. – Initiate a discussion with the ethics committee regard- ing emerging nanomedicine issues, including use of stem cells and the question of genetic enhancement. – Develop a risk posture vis-a-vis nanomedicine, in collabo- ation with legal counsel, and ensure that risk and insurance coverage issues are factored into decisions involving nanomedicine. Recognize that insurers may not be able to make a blanket generalization concerning coverage for nanomedicine risks, which at this point are difficult to predict and/or quantify. As with all legal causes of action, nanomedicinerelated claims would be assessed on an individual basis. – Adapt your organization’s informed consent policies to the new realities, taking into account the generally low state of consumer awareness regarding nanomedicine and he unknowns that accompany a radically new technology. Specifically, your informed consent process for nanomedicine therapies should encompass an extensive educational component for patients and acknowledge the limitations of current knowledge and experience in this area. – Strengthen policies and systems designed to track patie nts within the institution, report adverse events, and monitor equipment and suppliers. Designate those responsible for reporting incidents to the FDA and/or the manufacturer and ensure that personnel understand internal reporting rules and procedures. Revise competency and credentialing models for pro- viders and staff to include emerging technologies and approaches. Ensure that staff members are familiar with policies regarding nanotechnology applications and acceptable off-label uses. – Manage the product supply chain and establish policies regarding the presence of vendor representatives in clinical settings where treatment is rendered. – Advocate for more basic scientific and safety research on nanomedicine and nanotoxicology, as sound regulation and more manageable risk will require a deeper level of theoretical and empirical knowledge.Resources Ebbesen, M. , Jensen, T. â€Å"Nanomedicine: Techniques, Potentials and Ethical Implications. † Journal o f Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2006, Article ID 51516, pp. 1-11. Available at http://www. hindawi. com/getarticle. aspx? doi=10. 1155/jbb/2006/51516. Freitas, R. â€Å"Current Status of Nanomedicine and Medical Nanorobotics. † Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2005, Volume 2:1, pp. 1-25. Available at http:// www. nanomedicine. com/Papers/NMRevMar05. pdf. Nanotechnology: A Report of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration Nanotechnology Task Force, July 25, 2007.Department of Health & Human Services. Available at http://www. fda. gov/ nanotechnology/taskforce/report2007. pdf. â€Å"Nanotechnology: Untold Promise, Unknown Risk. † ConsumerReports. org, July 2007. Available at http://www. consumerreports. org/cro/health-fitness/nanotechnology7-07/overview/0707_nano_ov_1. htm. Walker, B. , Mouton, C. â€Å"Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine: A Primer. † Journal of the National Medical Association, December 2006, Volume 98:12, pp. 1985-1988. 1. 888 . 600. 4776 www. cna. com/healthpro/ CNA HealthPro, 333 S.Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60604 Published by CNA. For additional information, please call CNA HealthPro at 1-888-600-4776. The information, examples and suggestions presented in this material have been developed from sources believed to be reliable, but they should not be construed as legal or other professional advice. CNA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this material and recommends the consultation with competent legal counsel and/or other professional advisors before applying this material in any particular factual situations.This material is for illustrative purposes and is not intended to constitute a contract. Please remember that only the relevant insurance policy can provide the actual terms, coverages, amounts, conditions and exclusions for an insured. All products and services may not be available in all states. CNA is a service mark registered with the United States Patent an d Trademark Office. Copyright  © 2008 CNA. All rights reserved. Printed 11/08.